Make Their Day Special

Pup Town can feel like home

Fountain Sniffy Walk $15

Your dog can move at their own pace while taking their time to explore the area.

Scrambled Egg Breakfast $5

A breakfast fit for your extra special pup!

Brain Puzzle with 1 on 1 Time $8

Our staff will choose from a variety of puzzles and spend time loving on your pup.

Peanut Butter Pumpkin Kong $5

Your dog will take a break from the pack and enjoy a treat all his own.

Private Snuffle Mat Time


This is best for dogs who like to dig and search for their treats.

Tennis Ball Time $10

Our caregiver will spend time focused on only your pup and his favorite ball.

Extra Bedtime Love $10

Your pup will be especially happy when our caregiver sits with them at bedtime for extra cuddles.

Exit Bath/Blowout/Brush $40-$60

This is for the pet moms and dads. Prices vary.

Doggy Ice Cream $6

A delicious blend of frozen yogurt, banana and strawberries. A great way to end the day!

Late Night Visit $20

If your pet needs an extra visit between 9-10pm.